Interpreting and Presenting Your Social Media Analytics

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When it comes to social media analytics, it is easy to get caught up in all of the metrics and forget about the story. What are the metrics telling you and how can and should you use this information to guide your future planning and decisions?

  • Learn how to review social media metrics to identify the key trends, insights, and actionable recommendations based on the stories you want to tell
  • Explore strategies for translating social media data into actionable insights and recommendations that drive business growth and inform marketing strategy and decision-making
  • Understand how to tailor social media analytics presentations to different stakeholders and audience segments, focusing on relevant metrics and insights that align with their interests, priorities, and decision-making needs.

February 6th | 9 - 11 AM MT | Online

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B2B Marketing Exchange West

Sharpen your skills and collaborate with peers through a diverse range of sessions, including workshops and roundtables, case studies, lunch & learns, and more.

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Elevate Your Video Content: From Concept to Creation

Join our 6-week online video master session to learn skills and strategies you need to thrive in a digital landscape dominated by video content. With hands-on and detailed instruction covering the entire video production lifecycle, you will create your own video strategy and content, as well as get guidance from your instructor, ensuring you’re battle-ready for the new era of social media.

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